The Pupil's Astrology

System of Peter and Paul

Houses and Exaltations

        Planet.    House. Exaltation.
          So         Le      Ar
          Ma         Ar      Cp
          Sa         Cp      Li
          Ve         Li      Pi
          Ne         Pi      Sg
          Ju         Sg      Cn
          Mo         Cn      Ta
          11         Ta      Aq
          Ur         Aq      Sc
          Pl         Sc      Ge
          Me         Ge      Vi
          12         Vi      Le

        System of Peter*

          Me    +    Ma   ->   Ur
          Ve    +    Ju   ->   Ne
          Ma    +    Sa   ->   Pl
          Ju    +    Ur   ->   11
          Sa    +    Ne   ->   12
          Ur    +    Pl   ->   Me
          Ne    +    11   ->   Ve
          Pl    +    12   ->   Ma
          11    +    Me   ->   Ju
          12    +    Ve   ->   Sa
          Me    +    Ma   ->   Ur

Symbols of 11th and 12th planets don't correspond to symbols of authors of this system.
Created by Petr Horava and Pavel Brokes in 1984/85 at Prague, Czech Republic.
Added on January 26th, 1997.
*Added on May 30th, 2006.
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