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Date: Sun, 22 Aug 99 03:31:04
From: Hakan Kirkoglu

Dear astrologers and friends,

As the seismic activity is still alive, I can't help myself doing some
study on earthquake and eclipse charts. For a whole week, after the
great devastation of Izmit region, some more than 50 aftershocks occured
in a measure higher than 4,0 richter. Seismologists and scientist say
that this activity can continue for the next 3,4 months but they
emphasise that nobody is able to be sure that when a much bigger
earthquake could visit us again.

Imagine now what sort of experience is that of being extremely irritated
and full of fear in your mind, last night around 2 a.m. and 4.am.
Istanbul again has been shaken by two aftershocks and most of us are so
get to use of it, we do not care such earthquakes around 4,0 Richter.
It is tragic and funny as well, isn't it' I tried to stay at home most
of the time during this week and on Thursday night slept in a car after
warnings from seismologists .

Let me give you a recent update, death toll now is more than 12,000
people and a figure of 30,000 could be possible is most feared, or even
worse. The blaze at TUPRAS, Oil refinery in Izmit has been put out but
total damage will be around 20 billion dollars in the economy as this
region holds the 40% of Turkey's GNP. International aid has been pouring
in from the very first date but local organisation is not working well
as connecting highways, bridges have been severely damaged in the close

I have also studied geodetic charts for the earthquake and the eclipse.
For those not familiar with geodetic charts, these charts ARE calculated
based on the assumption that Greenwich meridian starts with the point of
0 degrees of Aries and thus Zodiac is placed upon the earth's equator.
As we move eastward, every degree of zodiacal longitude equates to a
degree of terrestrial longitude. Hence, for example, Greenwich has 0
degree meridian while Ankara has 2 52 Taurus. Thus Geodetic ascendant
for Ankara is 12 57 Leo.

Geodetic eclipse chart for Ankara has Moon Node is exactly on Ascendant.
Especially, Nodes are always close to the angles in such calamities as
suggested by astrologer Martin Davis, a specialist on Astrocartography
and astrolocal charts.

Geodetic Chart of eclipse for Ankara
Aug 11, 1999
01:09:00 PM EET
032E52'00" 39N56'00"

Mo  18°Le21'            Ne  02°Aq33'
Su  18°Le21'            Pl  07°Sg45'
Me  00°Le10'            No  12°Le56'
Ve  02°Vi09'            Mc  02°Ta52'
Ma  16°Sc51'            As  12°Le57'
Ju  04°Ta41'            Vx  29°Sg31'
Sa  16°Ta53'            Eq  28°Ca32'
Ur  14°Aq40'            PF  25°Sc08'

Placidus Houses:
 1st  12°Le57'           7th  12°Aq57'
 2nd  04°Vi23'           8th  04°Pi23'
 3rd  00°Li38'           9th  00°Ar38'
 4th  02°Sc52'          10th  02°Ta52'
 5th  08°Sg53'          11th  08°Ge53'
 6th  13°Cp14'          12th  13°Ca14'

We also notice that Moon was at IC on the Geodetic chart of earthquake
for Izmit. IC is the strong significator of land, our base. Cancer in
that chart placed in the 12th house, house of calamities.

Geodetic Chart of Earthquake for Izmit
Aug 17, 1999
03:01:47 AM EED
Izmit (Kocaeli),Turkey
029E55'00" 40N46'00"

Mo  00°Sc41'            Ne  02°Aq24'
Su  23°Le40'            Pl  07°Sg44'
Me  05°Le10'            No  12°Le49'
Ve  29°Le11'            Mc  29°Ar55'
Ma  19°Sc57'            As  11°Le06'
Ju  04°Ta53'            Vx  27°Sg52'
Sa  17°Ta02'            Eq  25°Ca51'
Ur  14°Aq27'            PF  22°Vi03'

Placidus Houses:
 1st  11°Le06'           7th  11°Aq06'
 2nd  02°Vi06'           8th  02°Pi06'
 3rd  27°Vi54'           9th  27°Pi54'
 4th  29°Li55'          10th  29°Ar55'
 5th  06°Sg16'          11th  06°Ge16'
 6th  11°Cp09'          12th  11°Ca09'

A final note, in the earthquake chart we also notice a second grand
cross of Moon, Neptune, Jupiter and Mercury. I would like to emphasise
that Jupiter-Neptune mutual aspects and synods are very descriptive of
Turkish national history. If we look at this chart for Jup-Nep square
for Ankara, the most striking formation is the grand cross again between
Mars, Jupiter, Neptune and Mercury, Jupiter is in the 4th house close to
IC, and this time again Sagittarius placed in the 12th house, house

Jupiter-Neptune Square
Jul 21, 1999
05:54:00 PM EET
032E52'00" 39N56'00"

Mo  12°Sc42'            Ne  03°Aq06'
Su  28°Ca27'            Pl  07°Sg57'
Me  06°Le39'            No  13°Le02'
Ve  03°Vi50'            Mc  02°Sc32'
Ma  06°Sc27'            As  08°Cp36'
Ju  03°Ta06'            Vx  17°Le24'
Sa  15°Ta51'            Eq  28°Cp14'
Ur  15°Aq29'            PF  22°Ar51'

Placidus Houses:
 1st  08°Cp36'           7th  08°Ca36'
 2nd  19°Aq15'           8th  19°Le15'
 3rd  00°Ar25'           9th  00°Li25'
 4th  02°Ta32'          10th  02°Sc32'
 5th  26°Ta54'          11th  26°Sc54'
 6th  17°Ge38'          12th  17°Sg38'

Geodetic chrat for Jup-Nep square aspect chart is also striking as this
time Mars is on IC while Noe on the Ascendant. Please have a look at the
grand cross locking with the angles !!

Geodetic Chart of Jup-Nep square
Jul 21, 1999
05:54:00 PM EET
032E52'00" 39N56'00"

Mo  12°Sc42'            Ne  03°Aq06'
Su  28°Ca27'            Pl  07°Sg57'
Me  06°Le39'            No  13°Le02'
Ve  03°Vi50'            Mc  02°Ta52'
Ma  06°Sc27'            As  12°Le57'
Ju  03°Ta06'            Vx  29°Sg31'
Sa  15°Ta51'            Eq  28°Ca32'
Ur  15°Aq29'            PF  22°Ar51'

Placidus Houses:
 1st  12°Le57'           7th  12°Aq57'
 2nd  04°Vi23'           8th  04°Pi23'
 3rd  00°Li38'           9th  00°Ar38'
 4th  02°Sc52'          10th  02°Ta52'
 5th  08°Sg53'          11th  08°Ge53'
 6th  13°Cp14'          12th  13°Ca14'

Best regards,

Hakan Kirkoglu

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