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Date: Fri, 08 Oct 99 11:03:33
From: Hakan Kirkoglu
Subject: Re: UK train disaster

Dear Garry, thanks for the info.

  Doesn't celestial symbols give us much objective representation of the events taking place? As you said Mars on 3rd house cusp in Sag and its alignment with Mer/Ura midpoint are the most visible symbols, Moon being a trigger making soft aspects (?; I would expect a hard one actually) both Asc and Mars. T-square of Mer-Jup-Nep reminds me that there could be ignorance and confusion in the communications and as far as I am acknowledged this accident happened due to mis-signalization ? Today, I have read an article in FT on this accident and there, the author was critisizing the attitude of Blair's Transportation Minister (sorry I do not know his name) as their opted for a much cheaper system of protection against such occurences in train signalization.

So T-square can also be stressed as Jup being 3rd house ruler making an oppostion to Mercury, Neptune is at the apex, so the real problem lies in being ignorant and uncautious to the hard realities of life.

We also notice that Mars=Moon/Asc, another triggering factor and the ruler of the 3rd Jup=Ura/Asc.

Finally, Sun/Mo midpoint tree (45 dial) gives Mer/Nep=Mer/Jup=NN/Asc=Nep=Jup/Nep=Jup=Ura/Asc

Here Neptune and Jupiter repeating its presence and the quality of the time.

Best regards,

Hakan Kirkoglu

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